Telford Mann Blog Featuring Toby Trinder Part Seven

As mentioned in my previous write up, I have since gone down to working just 2 days at the office per week, Wednesdays and Fridays. Since being paired with Natasha it has managed to make my diary a little bit more consistent and brought some structure. It allows me to prepare for meetings in advance rather than being allocated to different meetings with different advisors on a relatively flexible basis.
Natasha and myself now discuss before each meeting which elements I will take, dependant upon the client and their circumstances. I have continued to do similar elements as in the past, and there has also been a few more scheme reviews that have come around since booking them a few weeks ago.
In terms of observing meetings, although I generally have been doing this much less as of late as I have instead been participating, I have had a focus on observing first meetings with new potential clients. The reason for this is that they are probably one of the most difficult meetings to take, largely because no 2 meetings of this type will look the same. The key to these meetings is setting out a good first impression to the client, getting a feel for their circumstances and what they want from the meeting, and then adapting accordingly. A good first impression is crucial and using these as ‘practise’ for a trainee advisors too soon could potentially have a detrimental effect on the client and ultimately lose their potential business so for now I will remain observing these meetings whilst trying to absorb as much information as possible from them.
Returning to rugby training has been enjoyable especially to be back within that environment, although the prospect of a winter pre-season is not amazing! One of the challenges I face now is managing my time as efficiently as possible within the office. Having Friday to Wednesday off seems like a long time so it is important for me to use any spare time at my desk wisely, to look ahead and familiarise myself with upcoming meetings so that it reduces actual prep time which is crucial particularly if there is a meeting first thing in the morning.
Over the next fortnight I suspect it will be much more of the same as I continue to adapt to less hours in the office and more time on the rugby field.