Telford Mann Blog featuring Toby Trinder Part Eight

Since it has been a few weeks since my last write up and the recent lockdown part 2 announcement, it seemed like an appropriate time for another blog!
As previously mentioned, I have continued to work closely with Natasha during my 2 days a week in the office. It has been nice to have some consistency around my schedule and having someone as a main point of contact. We usually catch up in the mornings to discuss the day’s work which gives us an opportunity to decide which parts of meetings I will contribute to so we can be best prepared. Generally, I have continued to do the same elements of meetings as I have previously done but I have been doing my own preparation for these alongside some of the follow up admin work that needs to be done. It is good to have this structure at the moment as I have spent a lot of time in previous months learning and it is nice to be able to put this into practise whilst getting into a routine to enable me to continue to grow in confidence as these elements of meetings slowly start to become more natural to me.
Over the next few weeks, it will be interesting to see how working from goes. The new lockdown certainly took me by surprise, and I didn’t work from home during the previous lockdown. It will certainly be crucial that we all keep our communication up between colleagues as there could easily be missing links that develop but having the rapport I do with Tasha will make life easier and I will continue to take the same elements of meetings that I am. The general outline of meetings will be the same, but now that we don’t have access to a printer at home all our notes/follow up work will have to take place online.
Luckily, rugby can continue which I am grateful for but I am hoping this lockdown lasts the minimum period so we can start getting back to normal as quickly as possible!