Telford Mann Joins Titan Wealth Group – from Jon Telford

I am delighted to announce that, following the granting of regulatory approval, Telford Mann is now part of the Titan Wealth Group. Titan are a fast-growing wealth management business with offices throughout the UK. (
Titan have a track record of investing in strong, well managed businesses throughout the UK and so we are very pleased that they have chosen Telford Mann to become their hub for the East Midlands. Whilst the Titan acquisition represents a change of shareholders, the Telford Mann brand, our employees and the services we offer, will all remain as they are now. I can also confirm that there will be no change to fees or the way that we manage your investments.
I am also pleased to confirm that Jilly Mann and I will continue in our roles alongside Richard McDonald, who recently joined the Telford Mann senior management team.
Reducing Pension Costs and a new client portal
Becoming part of Titan group will help Telford Mann to grow and improve the services we offer you by leveraging the scale and research facilities available to us. I recently announced that we had been able to reduce underlying investment fund costs. Building on this and with Titan’s help, we are planning next to reduce pension costs and to introduce a new and improved client portal.
35 Years of Telford Mann – Kettering Office Open Day – Wednesday 13th December 2023
Please mark your diaries for the 13th of December 2023 when we will be holding an open day, between 1.00 pm and 4.00 pm, at our Kettering office to celebrate our 35th anniversary. We would be delighted if you are able to join us to enjoy some snacks and refreshments.
It will be an opportunity to meet and talk to the likes of former Chairman Fred Murphy and other Telford Mann Directors who were involved in setting up the business back in 1988 and to discuss the highs and lows of the last 4 decades.
Looking forward to our next 35 years, I’m pleased to confirm that Andrew Fearon (Titan Chief Executive Officer), Damian Sharp (Titan Chief Operating Officer) and Ken Coveney (Titan Chief Financial Officer) will be joining the event and will be available to talk to you and answer any questions you may have regarding Titan’s acquisition of Telford Mann.
Further details of the 13th December 2023 Open Day will follow.
Jon Telford, Jilly Mann and the entire team back in 2005 outside our Billing Road Office in Northampton