35 Years of Telford Mann – Client Open Day – 13th December 2023

Invitation from Jon Telford
To mark our 35th anniversary, Telford Mann is holding a Client Open Day between 1.00 and 4.00 pm on Wednesday 13th December 2023.
Please join us to enjoy some Pre-Christmas refreshments and snacks at our Kettering Head Office.
As I explained in my news announcement of 22nd November, the Open Day will be an opportunity to meet current and former directors of Telford Mann such as Fred Murphy, Adrian Urquhart and Andy Hancock as well as the key directors from Titan Wealth, our new parent company.
Please would you let us know if you are able to attend on the 13th December:
- email openday@telfordmann.co.uk
- text to 07507 203941
- phone 01536 462700
Please include the names of all attendees