Investment Portfolios
Model Portfolios Factsheets & Performance Data
We offer a range of model portfolios where our experts can manage your investments in line with your wishes and requirements. These portfolios are actively managed on a discretionary basis to suit your requirements, after we have gained a thorough understanding of your financial circumstances, needs and objectives.
Click the links below to review the latest asset allocation, fund data and performance for each of our model portfolios.
Telford Mann Cautious Growth – Risk score 2 on a scale of 1 to 6
An investment portfolio appropriate for this risk level may contain, for example, mainly lower- and medium-risk investments such as cash, bonds and property, with a few higher-risk investments such as shares. While a portfolio like this should go up and down in value less than a ‘high-risk’ portfolio, the value of investments can always go down as well as up.
Telford Mann Moderately Cautious Growth – Risk score 3 on a scale of 1 to 6
An investment portfolio appropriate for this risk level may contain, for example, a mix of lower and medium-risk investments such as cash, cash-type assets, bonds and UK commercial property, and higher-risk investments such as UK and overseas shares. While a portfolio like this should rise and fall in value less than a higher-risk portfolio, the value of investments can always go down as well as up.
Telford Mann Moderate Growth – Risk score 4 on a scale of 1 to 6
An investment portfolio appropriate for this risk level may contain, for example, mainly higher-risk investments such as UK and overseas shares, with some lower and medium-risk investments such as cash, cash-type assets, bonds and UK commercial property. While a portfolio like this should rise and fall in value less than a higher-risk portfolio, the value of investments can always go down as well as up.
Telford Mann Moderately Adventurous Growth – Risk score 5 on a scale of 1 to 6
An investment portfolio appropriate for this risk level may contain, for example, mainly higher-risk investments such as UK and overseas shares, with a few, if any, lower- and medium-risk investments such as bonds and UK commercial property. Because of this, there is a possibility you may not get back as much money on your investments as you put in, particularly in the short term.
Telford Mann Adventurous Growth – Risk score 6 on a scale of 1 to 6
An investment portfolio appropriate for this risk level may contain, for example, only higher-risk investments such as overseas shares and no low-risk investments such as cash-type assets and bonds. Because of this, there is a possibility you may not get back as much money from your investments as you put in, particularly in the short term.