Financial advice
for athletes, by athletes

At Telford Mann Elite Sports Division, we understand what you need because we have been there.

Our advisers are former sports professionals and they have been on the same journey as you, they speak your language, understand the highs and the lows and most importantly of all, they know how to help you achieve the financial security you are looking for.

Will Chudley - Financial Planner

Will Chudley

Financial Planner

Will joined Telford Mann in September 2023. Prior to this he played professional rugby for 14 years during which time he achieved degrees in Sports Management, Leadership and Management and an Executive MBA.

Tel: 01536 462700



Ethan Waller - Financial Planner

Ethan Waller

Financial Planner

After 14 years of professional rugby Ethan knew that he would have to prepare for the next stage and financial planning was always something that interested him. He is looking forward to continuing to grow his knowledge and skills throughout his time with Telford Mann.

Tel: 01536 462700



We know that the future can look worrying when you look at the stats*


    52% of players do not feel in control of their lives two years after they retire


    32% of respondents cited that financial worries had the most significant negative impact on their mental well-being


    Almost 50% had financial difficulties in the first five years


    46% were unhappy with their preparation for life after sport

However, by making sure you get the right advice, you can make sure that you and your family are not only protected, but can look forward to a bright future.

Financial advice for athletes

Financial planning can make a huge difference to your future.

  • Financial advice can make people, on average, nearly £48,000 better off in pensions and financial assets compared to those who don’t take advice, according to the International Longevity Centre (ILC).
  • 90% of people who see a financial adviser regularly feel the advice has benefited them according to research conducted by Old Mutual Wealth and YouGov and Aegon.
  • Insuring yourself against the worst that can happen will protect you and your family.

* According to research conducted in 2018 by the PPF in partnership with the Rugby Players Association, the Professional Cricketers Association and the Professional Footballers Association.



If you would like to talk to one of our planners, please fill in the form below and we will be in touch within 24 hours.